My Trophy Card

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thoughts that kept me out of the good schools

As far back as I can remember I have always had thoughts that other didn't have, you may say so what we all do no big deal there, but my thoughts were always unique.

First off is religion, I have always had questions about it and went to several different churches to find these answers and none could ever answer them or give me direction with them. I would ask what kind of place is heaven that they need gates for; I mean really are people from hell still trying to get into heaven after all these years? How did they get the gates in the first place, is Heaven the same for all or is it divide up into groups??? Its questions like that and others that I would ask all holy officials and they could never answer or they would tell me Heaven is what I think it is, than I would tell them what I think heaven was and they say I was wrong, this coming from the man who doesn't even know what heaven is like is telling me my vision of heaven is wrong.

My second group of thoughts revolve around everyday life, it's a little easy than the religion ones. Usually these thoughts come to me on the bus after I had a interview for a job and I realize how I sold out for about 10 dollars a hour, I wonder why do women wear clothes that show off a certain area of their body and then get mad at you for looking, I mean come on its just human nature to look at something isn't it. I mean when I come to a car accident I look, hell do I look sometimes I try to figure out how it happen in the first place going over it with people standing on the sidelines. So why do bitches do that to a man I think and then I realize it's because they can do it, I mean we all look at the chick with the big boobs who wears a low cut off shirt so you can see almost everything but the nipple depending on the weather that day. Then I wonder how funny it is that we allow certain people sit next to us, I mean if a old guy is on the bus and hot chick, guess who getting the seat next to you and I realize why again it's all for that chance to make sweet love or have super quick sex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG man, that blog is WAYY to long. lol. i can't read all that.